Friday, April 20, 2012

Look out world, here we come!

It's been a long road to travel......BUT The Click-Clack Lounge is excited to share our news.

Those of you who know our little Brisbane store, will notice we've been very quiet of late. There's been a few, shall we say, hiccups with our retail stores.

We've opened and closed an on-line store, written for magazines, and sold heaps of fabulous pieces to retro and vintage loving folk - but still, something was missing....

After a huge holiday to the Beach and a great deal of soul-searching, this little gal is finally ready to hit the big time. 

and so.....The Click-Clack Lounge is finally negotiating a lease on it's very own retail store.

It's time to celebrate how fabulous we are. Share our knowledge of the vintage and retro lifestyle. Get back to our roots and buy, sell and trade what we love and know.

I've collected, lived and loved quirky and kitsch since I was in school in the early 80's. I would wear 1950's novelty print skirts and a rope petticoat when all the other kids were wearing fluoro. I would collect Barsony lamps when the other kids were collecting VHS tapes. 

So, you get the picture...without sounding too "How good am I", I know my Business. I understand the passion behind finding a new treasure for your home or your body. I understand that it's not about the competition, but about loving what you do.

Stay tuned, and cross your fingers that all goes well with the lease agreement.

Wishing you all the love of vintage xx Karie